catherine's blog

Do My Thoughts Really Become My Reality? 

Do My Thoughts Really Become My Reality?

Law of Attraction

The simple answer to this question is, Yes.

Without thought there would be nothing because everything starts with an idea - a thought. It's one of the Laws of the Universe, the law of nature that interestingly, now, more and more people are seeking to gain an understanding of and then tap into that knowledge.

NLP Practitioner Training - For What Purpose? 

NLP Practitioner Training - For What Purpose?

If you want to become a Coach or to add some new skills to your Coaching toolkit.
If you want to improve your sales or consult people on how to improve their sales.
If you want to have a better life for yourself or assist people in having a better life.
If you want to have better relationships, have better health, perhaps lose weight – these are all things you will learn at our NLP practitioner training and HOW to do it.
NLP has been used since the 1970’s by politicans, successful leaders in business as well as advertising agencies & PR companies.

Cause & Effect - Where is the Power? 

Cause & Effect - Where is the Power?

The world that we live in today is very much about blaming someone or something else when things are not perfect.
How many times have you heard (or maybe said yourself) something like, “Oh my life is ruined because she left me,” or “My career is going no-where because my boss is no good.” The individual isn’t taking any responsibility for their life experience instead they have put themselves in the category of the victim – at the effect of someone or something outside of themselves and consequently given away their personal power.